Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Crossing

Crossing a border is always an adventure.  The fact that it's the Quebec/US border at Maine doesn't lessen the excitement.  We wait for a barrier to lift allowing us to meet face to face with the customs officer.  Above and to the right of this barrier is a red sign that says "Arret!".  Another just below says "Stop!"  The barrier finally lifts and we drive to the booth where the customs officer is waiting for us.  He's wearing a bullet-proof vest.

"Where are you coming from?" he asks my wife, staring at his computer screen.
"What were you doing there?"
"Is this your automobile?"
"Please show me your rental agreement."
Finally, "Where are you going?"

"Maine!" she says with confidence.

He looks directly at her.

"Congratulations" he says, "You made it."

Monday, January 11, 2016

I mean?

Have you noticed how often people say "I mean"?  I'm hearing it all the time now and it's driving me insane.  I even catch myself saying it.  I mean, what's with that? Do you think it is the new form of "uh" or "um"?  Is it a kind of exclamation point?  I'm just not sure.  Have you noticed this?  For some reason I just started to notice this recently  I mean, is it just me?  Heck, I'm even hearing it from journalists and commentators on NPR and PBS for gosh sakes.  Sometimes, after being asked a question, the first thing they say is "I mean" as a preface to their opinion!  I don't think I'm reading it in books though...but maybe I just haven't noticed.  I mean, it seems to be almost unconscious.  I'm not sure that the people saying it are even aware that they are saying it.  I mean, what do you think?