Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Out Of My Mind

I am a naturally happy person.  "Sure", you say, "but what does that mean?  Are you saying that you are happy because you have happy relationships with friends and family?  Are you happy with your level of intelligence?  The shape of your body?  Your sex life?  Are you happy to be an American?  Are you happy with the scenery, the weather, your house, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, your politics, your football team or your religion, if any?  You happy with the direction your life seems to be taking?  How can you be happy when you see the horror happening all around you in this world?  The hatred, the intolerance, the selfishness, the killing, the corruption, the degradation of our environment...You happy with all that?  Are you stupid, or what?"

Haha, no.  I'm just saying that unless I am faced with some unpleasantness in any given moment or actually thinking about something unpleasant I look out at the world with a calm, satisfied, excited, and pleasantly optimistic feeling.  I've always felt that way too since day one- the day I became aware of myself, or you might say, became conscious of my existence.  It's hard to explain.  It just is.  I've noticed though that I am this happy being most often when I'm not thinking.

"What does 'thinking' have to do with it?" you say incredulously.  Well, consider this statement I came across many many years ago and still ponder to this day:  "You are not your mind, because you can control your mind with your will."  I know you know that this is true.  You know that sometimes you have to control your "self".  You use your will to do that.  Most of us consider our thinking mind as our "selves" though.  Remember that old saw?  "You are what you think."?  If you are what you think but have to control your thinking at times with your will, which are you?  Are you your thinking mind or your will?  Both?  Is there two of you?  To make matters worse, when you use your will you know what you are doing...don't you.  You observe your "self" using your will.  So, who you really are can't be your thinking mind or your will.  Well then, who or what are you?  Personally, I 'think' I'm just that happy awareness.  "Fine," you say, "So where does that come from?"

Try not to think about it too much.  See next rock.


© Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.