Friday, December 12, 2014

Living the Dream

"I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here" ....Steppenwolf, Magic Carpet Ride

I generally enjoy my dream life.  I hardly ever have "bad" dreams.  But when I was a young child I had a recurring nightmare.  It went this way:  I was not conscious of my body but felt waves of pressure and flashes of light.  That's about all I remember about it now except for three things:  It was scary, I always woke up screaming, and I never visualized anything but light.  Until the last one that is.  On my way out of that last one I saw a mountain ridge covered with pine trees.  It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky.  There was nothing special about this scene but I remember it perfectly.  It is seared onto my brain.  This time I didn't wake up screaming and immediately knew what this vision signified...and how crazy it seemed.  I'll share it with you if you are interested enough to contact me.

Some say our lives are composed of three parts:  our waking life, our dream life, and deep sleep.  

We call our waking life being awake but I wonder.  Mostly we are lost in thought... trapped in memory or scheming a future.  When we do this we aren't all that conscious of what is going on around us.  This is dangerous when driving 80 miles an hour on the freeway.  In essence, we are dreaming.  We are only rarely in the present moment.  We are somewhere else.  In fact, if you look back onto your day you only remember highlights.  Most of it is gone.

"Well," you might say, "When we're awake, it's just that, we're awake. We're thinking. We are in reality.  It is only when we are asleep that we dream.  Dreams aren't real!  Just like Jiminy Cricket says, they're just "a figment of your imagination!" Please don't go cosmic on me with all your BS!"

A "figment of my imagination" eh?  Who's quoting a Disney character? Hey, my dreams are just as real as my waking life.  When I touch objects, they're solid.  When I am injured, I hurt.  If I have sex, it's great. And everything's in color!  I meet people I've never ever met in my waking life and have conversations with them about subjects that I've never given a thought to otherwise!  Some of these people have been around in my dreams for years too although interestingly, I don't know their names.  My dreams don't feel like leftovers from my waking life.  They are a life.

Deep sleep is another thing entirely.  In deep sleep we are not conscious of our 'personhood'.  There is no 'I'... no thought.  Where are you then?  Where did you go?

I love to think about this stuff but in the end, I may just be blathering about my own concepts- making it all up as I go along...just dreaming.  As a seer once said:
"All concepts, are false."
© Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock, 2014 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.