Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is the Universe Intelligent?

When I was 10 to 14 or so my friends and I spent many warm summer nights “camping” around my parents’ backyard swimming pool.  We’d spread a blanket or two on chaise lounges, watch constellations, satellites, and shooting stars traverse the sky and of course, talk about everything. I remember those nights well but what I remember best and think about most is not the show in the sky.  What I remember are the big questions looking at the sky seemed to naturally spawn: where did the Universe come from, how can it be infinite, is it intelligent, and what does it all mean?  My friends and I turned over many rocks searching for those answers.  None were found.

Scientists tell us that the Universe started with a big bang.  They say that something very small blew up and became very big and is still expanding to this day.  They say that the Universe is infinite and may be conceptualized by visualizing the shape of the number 8.  Some of these scientists say the Universe just “is”.  It is raw nature and by itself has no meaning or intelligence.  Life happens when the chemistry is right and this rightness is a rare event in space where extremes of hot and cold are the norm.  They say we are essentially arrangements of organic molecules swimming aimlessly on the surface of a moist Petri dish hatched by a giant ball of flame floating in the sky. 

Others say a god created the Universe.  They say this god is intelligent, caring, and watches over us in our lives although it is up to us to decide if we’re going to be “bad” or “good”.  When we die, he will send us to where we deserve: heaven, or hell.  These two destinations are somewhat ill defined though and the rewards or punishments vary according to which god one believes is in control.  This god is supposedly benevolent and wishes us well even as we are constantly hammered and tested by the never ending suffering and conflict we bring on ourselves.  One could imagine that a little intervention would be appropriate at times.  Incredibly, no one seems to know what he, or she, even looks like…although some of us think this god has a beard.

I don't buy any of this.

I’m not saying I don’t believe in science.  Science is fun and interesting and certainly useful as we go about our daily lives.  But it just doesn’t give us an answer to this most important question “What does it all mean?”  I’m also not saying that there is no God.  Interestingly, the idea or concept of God is something we have trouble defining and there is no consensus we’ve reached together on who or what this god is except that God is somehow looking down upon and guiding us.  Some, after much thinking or dreaming, have come up with their own version of a god or gods. Some choose to take the existence of a god on faith from parents, teachers, peers, and even old books.  Consequently, we have manufactured hundreds of religions all convinced that it is their god only that sits on the throne and supplies the correct answer.  Then there are a few of us who don’t conceptualize God as an “other” in any sense of the word.  It’s all kind of a mess.

So for me, neither science or a god has convinced me that the Universe is intelligent. But maybe we can think this through another way by making some logical suppositions:

1.     We exist inside the Universe.
2.     Being inside it means we are a “part” of it and not “separate” from it.
3.     We are generally conscious and intelligent beings.  Some of us anyway.
4.     Since we exist inside this Universe, are a part of it and are intelligent, then the Universe itself is intelligent.

If all this is true then perhaps you’d like to think of this Universe as…God.  Would that create enough meaning for you?  Beware though:  if we are connected so fully to this Universe then we must be God too.  

I am going to tell you something now.  Remember it well.  If I am God and you are bad  “the next time you see me comin’ you better run.” (1)


If the Universe is intelligent…isn’t that just incredibly cool?

Let me know what you find under your rock.


(1) from Bob Dylan’s song Highway 61 Revisited


© Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock, 2014 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Steve Stewart and SeeNextRock with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.